We leaders are busy people facing multiple demands. Although we know the saying, “leaders are readers,” too often, reading dropped from our schedules. It feels like a luxury we can’t afford. Especially reading fiction. But fiction may be just what...
[Image courtesy of Sandy Rees] Growing up, I listened to a lot of motivational speakers. Many of them shared a story about a father with two sons. As an executive coach, I am amazed at how much this story reflects leaders’ perspectives on life. The Father with...
LinkedIn is a funny thing. A week ago, SCOTTeVEST CEO Scott Jordan posted a question. Today, the post appeared in my newsfeed. With over 200 comments to it! The question was: Who uses an executive/life coach? I met someone that raved about his coach, so I am...
It seems that those of us attracted to nonprofit leadership are very good at “doing.” We see a need right in front of us and fill it. And fill it again. In fact, we get so good at seeing the need in front of us, that we forget to lift up our head. A view...
81,650 On October 1, 2012, my family want to visit our friends the Hatches and the Swansons. When we arrived, we discovered Rob and Jon having a fun competition with push-ups. Loving to challenge myself, I naturally jumped in. Over the course of many attempts, I...