As an executive coach, I spend the majority of my time helping clients figure out exactly what to say at various points in their journey: a career change holding firm to a boundary helping a disgruntled client or staff member making a sale asking for money answering...
Leaders tend to hide our problems. We realize most people are more interested in their problems than ours. And sometimes we find sharing our issues becomes a weapon others use against us. So we build up a habit of hiding. Listening to La’Vista Jone’s BOSS...
You have an email address. But what if people misspell your name? I just had an email confirmation sent to me. I regularly have confirmations sent to me so I thought nothing of it. Until I saw the spelling: My name was misspelled. It happens all the time. Even though...
In a recent coach certification class discussion, we were talking about the benefits of helping our clients explore their hardwiring. We looked at the three levels of hardwiring included in Quadrant 3 Leadership: Abilities (like those surfaced in the Highlands Ability...
Juneteenth is this weekend. Now a federal holiday, it remembers June 19, 1865, the day the last enslaved people were freed in the USA. That is more than three years after the Emancipation Proclamation. And more than two months after the Confederate surrender. (You can...