Traveling around the country, I’m constantly asked for the secret to hiring Millenials. Leaders tell me, “They don’t stay in the job. And when they’re here, it’s hard to tell what they’re working on.” First, a warning For...
A new study by the Hartsook Centre for Sustainable Philanthropy suggests nonprofits are completely unprepared to face looming leadership changes. The report seems to show that most nonprofits aren’t even trying. Researchers estimate that over 67 percent of current...
So often, leaders look for external cues and systems to validate their leading. They want manuals or a curriculum. But these can fall flat. Or worse, have no lasting impact. It’s not until leaders start working from within, that lasting change gets made. We just...
Leaders often get stuck because they don’t know where they’re at on the journey. In our work with leaders, we find that a lack of confidence is actually a growth step – a movement toward grounded confidence. We call this The Leader’s Journey...
The recent tax bill is spreading fear and despair among nonprofit leaders around the United States. Last week, I recorded this message of hope. Since it’s recording, the President has signed the bill into law. So the message of hope is needed now more than ever....