My son showed this Pixar short. And I thought about how well this short applies to nonprofit leadership. Watch the film. And be encouraged. Leading can feel like you’re just hit by wave after wave. But sometimes, that’s exactly what gives you the...
Next Wednesday, I’ll be joining Blackbuad’s CEO Mike Gianoni and leadership expert Lisa McLoed in a Twitter chat for leaders. We’re calling it #LeadWithPurpose. This wide ranging chat will cover questions like: What does it take to lead with purpose?...
Being a nonprofit CEO or executive director can be one of the most overwhelming positions. Not only do you have the normal audiences of staff and clients to serve, you have your board and even donors. Your plate is filled with tasks and to-do’s! Yet often, it...
This morning on Marketplace Morning Report, host David Brancaccio referenced recent deaths of well known people like the artist Prince and exhorted listeners to “GET A WILL.” “The death rate in America is still 100%.”- David Brancaccio, host...
I don’t recall where I heard this first, perhaps from Simone Joyaux, but I love the phrase: “No one wakes up and decides they want to be a bad board member.” As you go through your day today, remember that most board members are earnestly trying to...
In our recent study of nonprofit leadership, nonprofit leaders told us that “creating a compelling vision” was one of their top three priorities. But 62% said they didn’t even know where to start in creating one. Are you one of the 62%? If so,...
Last year, I wrote about how a fundraising problem is a leadership problem. This post was based on my experience in the field and the experience of my clients. Now that the nonprofit leadership research results are in, the facts are in. Not only is philanthropy a...
Whether you are starting your fiscal year or not, you are half way through the calendar year. Halfway points are great times for leaders to pause. To review their goals. To measure progress and, possibly, map mid-course corrections. My friend Jon Swanson shared a...
Does it ever feel like your board or staff walks into a meeting full of purpose and passion but reading from different sheets of music? In this video, Marc shares insights into strategic planning from watching his children’s school orchestra conductor. What do...
Jo Miller of SmartEGrants interviewed CLG founder Marc A. Pitman today. In the interview, she got him to share Why he created the Concord Leadership Group His passion for nonprofit leaders Why he favors coaching to consulting How to lead collaboratively without losing...