Leading with micro-changes

by | Nov 6, 2015 | Personal Leadership, Staff Relations, Uncategorized, Volunteers | 0 comments

As leaders, we often have the vision to see glorious change. And we are often agile enough on our own to make the change.

But as leaders, we’re not on it own. When we turn on a dime by making wholesale changes, we’re likely to leave team members in our dust.

The genius of 1% changes

That’s why Andrea Kihlstedt’s post on 1% change each day is so helpful. In her study of neuromarketing, she read that a 1% change consistently done daily results in 100% change in just 43 days.

What I love about this is it doesn’t require pulling staff out of productive activities to hold committee meetings. And it doesn’t involve time or budget extensive “launches.”

It just requires a leader making intentional, consistent, small changes.

She even shares her own list. In nonprofits, we tend to miss the power of #10 – visualizing our intended outcomes. If you were to only make one change for the next 43 days, this would be a great one to make.

And, of course, we here at CLG would be glad to help you if you want to adopt her #13!

You can read Andrea’s entire post, and see her list, at: http://andreakihlstedt.com/take-a-giant-leap-forward-with-1-percent-steps/


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