Lessons from Leading while Social Distancing
A couple weeks ago, I share three things leaders were doing to get through this crisis without losing their head. Here's an update from this past week. 3 Things Leaders are doing to lead effectively through the pandemic I'm seeing so many varied responses to the...
Leading through Crisis: Your approach to stress and what to do with it
To say we’re in a time of unprecedented change and stress doesn’t do it justice. This Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic is causing seismic shifts around the world. Panic of this invisible killer is added to fear of not being able to stay in business. Many leaders...
Leading through this coronavirus pandemic without losing your head
Wow. Leading in an age of this Covid-19 coronavirus is challenging. (I was going to say "unprecedented" but I've said that so many times already this week!) In talking with leaders, most are wrestling with fear, doubt, and worry about letting their teams down. They...
Leading when the world seems on fire
For the past couple of weeks, it's feeling like the world is on fire. The WHO announcing this Covid-19 coronavirus is now a pandemic. Stock markets around the world falling so quickly some exchanges have temporarily suspended trading. And conferences, classes, and...
Finding a Great Business Coach: 6 Tips
If your organization, whether for-profit or nonprofit, isn’t hitting its goals, consider why. Is there a deficiency in your top leadership that’s filtering down through the ranks? Leadership failures at the top of your organization can affect the success of the entire...
When to not follow up #followupfriday
Every Friday, I send a quick email to leaders who want to make a difference around the world reminding them to follow up with people, on projects, or with themselves. Today's email struck such a chord with readers that I've been asked to share it here on the blog....
[Guest Post] The Strategic Advantage
This post is from Charles Weathers, the founder of The Weathers Group, a management consulting firm specializing in organization behavior and development. Charles has a wonderful gift to explain complex processes in terms you easily understand! You can learn more...
Does your follow up stink?
Whether following up with people or on projects, leaders know the secret to success is follow up. But just because you know it, doesn't mean you enjoy it. What is your attitude going to be as you follow up? Let's face it: following up is a pain. People should just...
[Guest Post] Leading People Through Fear
Andrea Waltz is the co-author of “Go for No! - Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There," a short powerful story written specifically for sales professionals in every industry who must learn to harness the power of no to be successful. To learn more, visit...