A system for regular planning and progress

by | Feb 14, 2025 | Goals, Personal Leadership | 0 comments

Last week, my son asked what systems my wife and I were using for journaling and productivity.

I haven’t written about my system recently and I think my answer may be helpful to you too.

My current bi-weekly sprint system

Great question. Especially with the goal of measured continuity.

What I’m currently using is Apple Notes. I have a “journal folder.” Each entry is a note starting with the date.

I also use Apple Notes to do a “weekly compass” type to-do list or orientation. Every two weeks, I set 90-minutes aside to reflect on the past two weeks and look over the next two weeks. I then choose a few areas of focus and list a big thing or two for each area.

My “weekly compass” has links to my personal mission statement note and my core values and annual goal. I love having that all in one place each week. These help me ensure that the “most important” is measured by who I want to be, not by what is most urgent.

This system is currently working remarkably well. Not sure if it’s “measured” in the way of running reports. But there is a continuity to the process and it helps me make consistent progress to my goals.

The Weekly Compass in Apple Notes

Here’s the center of the Weekly Compass format (something I learned from the work of Stephen Covey, A. Roger Merrill, and Rebecca R. Merrill.)

Marc A. Pitman's Weekly Compass in Apple Notes - productivity and planningWeekly Compass – TEMPLATE

Disciple, Steward, Husband, Father, Student, Coach, Philanthropist
My Vision-Purpose-Strategy <—this links to the note with that

What is the most important thing I can do in this role this week?

Role: Sharpen the Saw 🪚

  • Physical:
  • Social/Emotional:
  • Mental:
  • Spiritual:

Big Rocks
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Big Rocks
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Big Rocks
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Big Rocks
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Big Rocks
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Big Rocks
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Big Rocks
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Other To Dos <— I often think of other things I could or should be doing. This helps get it out of my head.

Then under here I have a link to my “Some Day Maybe” note of project ideas, my vision, my mission, my core values, and an affirmation about how much money I want to make this year.

Thanks for asking. This sounds much more disciplined than it currently feels. 😊

Systems go in seasons

As I said to him, this is a system currently working for me. But I find my systems go in seasons.

And I find I can easily take for granted systems that become habits. His question helped me see the discipline these habits facilitate. And how the habit makes the focus on my goals, not on creating the habit itself.

How about you? Do you go in seasons or have you found a system that just works?

And when a system becomes a habit, do you also feel like you are lacking discipline?


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