CEO Advising
The Secret of High Performing Leaders
This is it. The peak. The culmination of all you’ve worked for. You’re now the Chief Executive Officer.
So why isn’t it as exhilarating as you expected? Sure, you have the CEO title. But now you see all the pressure: budgets, payroll, employee expectations, customer dissatisfaction. The demands crowd in on you. And it’s not clear who you can talk to.
Do you ever wonder what you got yourself into? The other CEOs you’ve seen seem to just “get” it. Sure, some CEOs seem out of control…but you never thought you’d look like those CEOs!
If you wonder what their secret is, it may be having a leadership expert on speed dial. A CEO advisor. Someone not in the “hiring” or “firing” pathways of the org chart. Someone who gives you a safe space. Space to think. Space to not know.
Space to let down the mask.
Is CEO advising right for you?
Having an executive coach as an advisor is like having a personal trainer. But as a CEO, you don’t need yet another standing meeting on you calendar.
So we give you coaching only when you need it. That’s right: no scheduled meetings. No expectations.
Just call when you need it. Not another obligation. Just the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have an advisor when you need one.
If you want the on-the-calendar structure of executive coaching, we can do that. But you’re busier than ever. And, oddly, you’re busier in ways you’ve not considered before: planning, strategizing…leading.
“My months with Marc were my best months as a leader.”
What you get as a CEO Advising client
As a CEO Advising client, you’ll get:
Calls When you Want them
You’re busy and your schedule is unpredictable. You’ll only need to call when you want the perspective of CLG CEO Marc A. Pitman. This flexibility helps you when you need it. And can provide you with perspective, insight, and accountability…outside of the hiring and firing systems of your company.
In-between phone & email support
Email and texting are also ways you can communicate with Marc – again, only when you need them. If something comes up, you can shoot Marc an email without having to worry if the “meter is running.” It’s included.
Assessments and Tools
Being a CEO is not a one-size-fits-all approach. There are assessments and tools that can give you insight into less stressful ways of accomplishing your goals. These are not required. But you have access to them if you want them. At no additional charge.
“I had the pleasure of participating in Marc’s Quadrant 3 Leadership framework session as part of our Blackbaud Institute experience. It immediately resonated with me and I could completely recognize myself in the stages of the Leaders Journey. And despite it being only a 45-minute presentation, I left with actionable steps and key takeaways that I am continuing to explore. Thank you Marc for these valuable and validating insights!.”
Proud member of

“Marc is the CEO’s coach. He knows leadership…I like how he’s dynamic in front of groups and easy going one-on-one. Marc helps the whole leader, available as a sounding board for both work and life. He discretely and professionally helps CEO’s lead in their unique style, not letting them get forced into someone else’s mold.”