Forbes cites CLG Nonprofit Leadership Report and impact on millenials

by | Apr 15, 2016 | CEO/Executive Directors, Team Building | 0 comments

Forbes_logo.svgOver in the Forbes article “Half Of Nonprofits Are Setup To Fail – How About Your Favorite?,” Ian Altman featured the Nonprofit Sector Leadership Report and talked about the impact of poor leadership on millennials.

While the study indicates that nonprofits need to be getting better at relating to all demographics, they are most often aware of their need to improve relationships with millenials. So Altman quotes Brad Szollose, Author of Liquid Leadership and an expert on millennials. Szollose says:

“While baby boomers were more tolerant of waste, Millennials hate waste and inefficiency with a passion. This generation wants to look under the hood… and if they find wrongdoing, they run away from poorly run organizations. If you are running a weak organization today, they’ll remember that when they have the resources to be a serious donor. Once Millennials as a group have formed an opinion about you and your brand, it is hard, if not impossible to change their minds.”

We think all people are increasingly intolerant of waste. But this article shows why it’s important to make the tough leadership changes now! One way to know how different age groups are responding to your nonprofit is to work on the mixed generational teams talked about in the nonprofit leadership report.

You can read the entire Forbes post at:


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